
Thoughts from vExpert Session July14th -> Scaling Converged vs Hyperconverged

First published on July 24, 2015 11:23:00 AM at HDS VMware Community On July 14th we held a private webinar for the vExpert Community. Thanks to the always helpful Corey Romero, vExpert community manager for hosting it and giving us the opportunity to share some of the coolest converged technology out there. The session was […]

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Attention vExperts: Join vExpert HDS session on July 14th 4pm GMT

To all my esteemed 2015 vExperts in the VMware community, I really hope you can join the HDS team on a vExpert briefing next week to talk about why we believe HDS super-converged offering …. (I just made that term up) …… is the best fit today for scaling your Private Cloud environment.  362 total views

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